Being able to draw shear force diagrams (SFD) and bending moment diagrams (BMD) is a critical skill for any student studying statics, mechanics of materials, or structural engineering. There is a long way and a quick way to do them. The long way is more comprehensive, and generates expressions for internal shear and internal bending moment in terms of x: V(x) and M(x), respectively. This is usually the method that is asked for in entry level statics courses, to show that you understand what's going on. The quick way does away with the equations in terms of x, and uses a more visual approach that you can use to hammer out the key points on the diagrams then just connect the dots. The quick way is often acceptable in higher level courses where the professor assumes you have a good understanding of what's going on. I put together some videos that cover both methods below. If you watch them all then you're pretty much guaranteed to be a SFD and BMD rockstar. The Long Way To Solve SFD & BMD Problems:
The Quick Way To Solve SFD & BMD Problems
Checking Your Work With SFD & BMD Software In addition to watching all the above tutorials, you can also check out these 18 additional fully solved SFD and BMD practice problems with solutions.
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